
Incentivar as pessoas a se comunicarem, ajudá-las a abrir portas para o mundo, facilitar negócios internacionais, lazer e relações culturais. Proporcionar a cada aluno proficiência e confiança na língua inglesa através da imersão cultural no ingles mundial.


Participar efetivamente no segmento do ensino de ingles, tornando-o acessível para todos, equipando alunos com ferramentas para o sucesso. Inspirando professores e colaboradores a abraçarem a diversidade cultural através da promoção comunicação e educação. Promover a comunicação para negócios, cultura e lazer com ética, integridade, paz e amor.

nossa crença

Acreditamos que uma comunicação fluente é fundamental para as relações entre pessoas. Que unidas podem trocar ideias, criar, inovar e enfrentar os desafios na construção de um mundo melhor.

Princípios chave we

Nós acreditamos que uma excelente educação enriquece a vida.
Nós acreditamos que o desafio é parte da vida e o catalizador do crescimento.
Nós acreditamos que cada aluno tem o potencial de criar um futuro melhor.
Nós acreditamos que o sucesso tem muitas formas.

World + Eenglish = WE

Tailor-made teaching/tailor-made what a sum knowledge, day-to-day dynamics and a lot of content to bring a differentiated experience in the teaching-learning journey of teachers and students.

Our focus is on Communicative approach to language teaching because in WE we are looking for a teaching-learning process centered on the student, using their realities, experiences and knowledge as the foundation for the construction of fluent language communication.

Qualify people for the entrepreneurship and the corporate environment that value fluent communication in the English language as a key to cultivating interpersonal relationships in a multicultural environment.

Provide updated and contextualized content in the business environment to professionals in search of improvement and for corporations aware that their greatest asset is people. Technology in your favor!

Technology in your favor!

Our qualification courses are taught through online classes, videos, individual or group classes in companies. All with the possibility of practical and flexible scheduling directly on the platform WE.

 The teaching and learning strategies are established with a view to the clients' perspective, in line with the guidelines of the CERF - Common European Framework of References. This guide was developed with the needs of the student in mind, enabling the student to communicate fluently in the studied language with confidence about the contents studied.

Agendamentos > Pagamentos > Aulas > Atividades complementares: tudo direto pela nossa platafor

THE WE is a partner with tools to transform your communication with the world, allowing you to navigate the multicultural world fluently business, tourism, sport, logistics and academics, fashion, among many others that you wish.

WE: the world English of the multicultural business universe. Working with English for Specific Purposes or “ESP – English for Specific Purpose”, to achieve each of its custom shape, and make you a communicative professional and citizen, performing with fluidity and ease in the different situations of your daily life.

Come to the World English of WE! Where you study the English you want and learn the English you need!

Professora Jeanete Jost Collet
Meste em Engenharia de Produção -UFRGS
Especialização em Ensino de língua Inglesa – Universidade Estácio de Sá 2021
BCELT Bridge Certificate in English Teaching 2021

Pedagogical and methodological supervision
Ana Paula Chamorro Bonow

Master Science in English - Federal University of Pelotas 2021
Doutorando em Língua Inglesa Universidade Federal de Pelotas