Estude com nossas dicas O conteúdo exposto aqui é totalmente gratuito, são mais de 70 dicas, fique a vontade para estudar!Clique no item e acesse o documento. 1- "Able to" "about to" "Due to" em inglês 2- As conjunções "and" "but" e "or"?.pdf 3- Como expressar desejo em inglês "I wish" 4- Como usar "as" "since" " because" 5- "Made of", "Made from", "Made out of", "Made…" 6- Como usar "Looking Forward to 7- Onde usar I do! 8- Emails Dicas 1 Beginings and Endings 9- Emails Dica 2 em inglês, razões, justifictiva… 10- Emails,Dica 3 ação, anexar e aviso de férias 11- Emails, Dica 4 Dando boas e mas notícias em inglês 12- Emails, Dica 5 Agradecendo e se desculpando 13- Emails, Dica 6 pedidos de clientes 14- Escrevendo em inglês, iniciando e concluindo e-mails 15- Expressando o futuro com o "Simple Present Tense"… 16- Inglês para business, vocabulário de investimento… 17- O que você prefere? 18- Phasal verb, qual a diferença entre "get on" e "get of 19- Qual a diferença entre "other" e "another"? 20- The verb "stand" e phrasal verb "stand" 21- Quando usar "spite of" "although" e "despite? 22- Quando usar "all" e "whole"? 23- Como expressar desejo em inglês "I wish" 24- I prefer... 25- Just, Yet, Still and Already 26- Across Over or Through 27- Agreeing, Desagreeing, Changing the subject and Givig explanation 28- Anyone anybody or anything 29- As, Since Because 30- Begin and Began 31- Borrow or Lend 32- Bring Take & Fetch What should you use 33- Business Vocabulary - RELIABLE Adjective 34- Chunks of words. Words that come together! 35- Consist Comprise or Compose 36- Door 37- English Words that Sound the Same but Have Different meanings 38- Finally, At last Lastly or In the end 39- How to address People in English 40- How to use Amount of "Quantity of" or "Number of" 41- I do! 42- Idea! 43- In order to or In order that 44- What is the difference between "Lay" ,"Lie",Lied, Lain 45- The most frequent verbs used in English Language 46- On time or In time 47- Other ways of saying "I like it" 48- Other ways of saying "thank you" 49- Ought to 50- Phrasal Verbs with "Bring" "Get" "Take" 51- Probability with "Likely" and "Supose to" 52- Say or Tell 53- Simpathy & Empathy 54- Since & Since then, Ever since 55- Speak or Talk 56- Suffixes making new words 57- Talk & Speak like a Manager 1 58- "The" is the definitive article in English 59- The many meanings of DRAW 60- The most common phrasal verbs in English language 61-The verb Come and the Phrasal verb Come 62- The verb Cut and the Phrasal verb 63- The verb Give and the prasal verb Give 64- The verb Go and the prasal verb Go 65- The Verb look and the Phrasal Verb Look 66- Too or enough 67- Transitive and Intransitive Verbs 68- Used to or I am Used to 69- Verb TAKE and Phrasal Verb Take 70- Ways of asking "how are you?" 71- Frequent English Expessions 72- Words of connection in English language 73- Would rather and Would sooner 74- You're Welcome! 75- Articles in English A,An, The 76- The "How" Questions 77- The most frequent questions with “W” in the English language 78- Phasal verb, qual a diferença entre "get on" e "get of"